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Social Media Marketing Strategy drives purchasing decisions

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is here to stay and that it is changing the way we do business.Social Media Marketing Strategy

Then consider the following statistics

  • 72% of all internet users are active on social media
  • 89% aged between 18-29 use it
  • 72% aged between 30-49 use it
  • 60% aged between 50-60 use it
  • 43% aged 65+ use it
  • 71% of users access social media from a mobile device

The reality is you just cannot ignore Social Media any more.

How important is word of mouth to your business?

Social Media is word of mouth marketing amplified and has a consequent impact on the customer’s perceptions and purchasing decisions.Social Media

Your business needs to be actively involved in the conversation otherwise, your competitors may be.

If you want to

  • Increase awareness of your business
  • Attract new and loyal customers
  • Increase your visibility and profitability
  • Drive social media connections to your website

Many businesses are intimidated by Social Media Marketing for three simple reasons:

  1. They don’t know how to use it effectively
  2. They are intimidated at the prospect of writing relevant content
  3. They don’t have the time to do it consistently

Marketing through social media and social networking sites can be tricky and time consuming.  Proper etiquette of social networking is very important.

Done correctly Social Media Marketing will help you to stay “top of mind” to your existing customers and attract many new ones.

Marketing Strategy

Put On the Mark Marketing’s expertise to work for you.  Our services include, creating a social media strategy that will not just bring followers to your website, but will allow us to track and monitor visitors, rank them based on the time they spend on your website and the pages they view.

Provide Valuable Content

Providing quality content consistently is one of the most important aspects of social media management. You can leave this to our expert team while you focus on running your business and doing what you do best.

Develop a Blog

Having a blog is almost essential these days. Not only because Google loves fresh content, but creating quality blog posts that help solve a problem for your customers, develops trust and that is starting point of any business relationship.

Create Sales Leads and Monitor the Effectiveness of our Programs

Our Social Media Marketing services involve monitoring social networks and identifying the source of any engagement, its not just about talking  – we have to listen to what our audience is saying.

Social Media Marketing DeliversSocial Media Strategy

Increased customer loyalty – Social media is a great loyalty tool because you build a community within your business.

Increased credibility – Because of the transparent nature of social media, companies that use social media seem more open and trustworthy in the eyes of today’s consumers.

Increases visibility and website traffic –  Allows you to stand out from the competition while generating more leads and increasing sales revenues.

Take the First Step

Join other businesses that have seen the incredible ROI of Social Media Marketing.

It will not happen overnight, but social media will increase the visibility, awareness and the credibility of your business, and importantly it will increase your business revenues.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you create an online community, attract new clients, increase customer loyalty and grow your business through Social Media Marketing.

Social Media Marketing Strategy Social Media Marketing Strategy Social Media Marketing Course Social Media Marketing Course